Three Tours

Mostly Medieval

Mostly Medieval is a tour is set in a very different time when children worked and got up really early. They slept in the same beds and shared this room with their parents, yuck! Often their houses had just one room.

The past is under our feet in Dublin, the older it is the deeper it lies. We will see sunken towers, the old Dublin walls and wonder about the Black Death. Which came first, trade or plague, rats or fleas and if you didn't wash were you immune?

We will meet on Cows Lane, where happy cows were milked twice a day, or could there have been another meaning? The streets had names, Fishamble St was where fish was sold.

We will see what the walls of Dublin were keeping out or in!!

We will see where trade began in the 840s.

We will have a "Thing," the Vikings version of a court of law.

There will be question and answer time during the tour and if you have any thoughts throughout you are welcome to add them as it will enrich your experience and understanding.

Younger children, are welcome as part of the family group and will be asked to count how many medieval maps of Dublin they can find.

Cows Lane is starting point, a central street in Medieval Dublin, easy to find and situated in the residential area of Temple Bar. This is the only children's focused walking tour in Dublin. All children must be accompanied.

Hidden History of Homes

We will begin on Henrietta St, the first Dublin Georgian street built and examine the Grandeur of these 1700's mansions. Dublin was wealthy and considered the second City of the old British Empire. 

The parliament closed in Dublin in 1801 then these fine houses fell into decline. From one family in the house a whole family had one room. Who tried to alleviate the hardship or profit by it?

A home for many is an apartment but in the past many people lived communally in Convents, Abbeys and laundries and we will see a convent which was the home of a developer.

Green St Courthouse has a fascinating and varied history, the trials people faced, when there was no CCTV or forensics with swift trials & transportation or worse.

The Dublin Fruit and Veg Markets built 1892 for sellers to be out of the cold it is a vast and beautiful building where many tenement women worked.

We will cross the Liffey to see Medieval Fishamble St birthplace of Molly Malone. Winetavern St was the Viking core and find the writing on the ground!

We might even finish at a spying pub where information was gathered during the War of Independence by Michael Collins to organise Bloody Sunday. Intelligence was our key to success. 

1700's Dublin Coffee Culture

We will begin at City Hall a former Coffee House. Then walk to Dublin Castle the centre of explosive Power.
Transport was slow but wit was quick! Dublin was a hotbed of intrigue and the Second City in the old British Empire. Yet it was difficult to find the action with censorship.

Coffee Houses were where the news was printed! Known as penny universities, centres of commerce and trade where so much of Dublin life was lived.
We will visit the gated Hoey lane and on to the site of the old Thosel, toll booth into the City. Then onto High Street, down to Cook St the first coffee opened in 1670's. 

We will discover a hell, of lawyers clients or heaven to some dwellers.
We will immerse ourselves in the characters such as Johnathon Swift and how he closed the curtains on the drapers.

We will learn about the people who published, public auctions and lives which were lived by the new rich of 1700's Dublin. We will see how they influenced the arts, public thinking and commerce. We will have quotes and drama to understand the players in a very different time. 

This is fun and light-hearted Tour has a Coffee Tasting Experience to imagine what 1700's Dublin felt, looked and tasted. We will drink coffee at oldest shop in Dublin 1670.

Fourth service

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Fifth service

Click here and start typing. In ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur vel illum qui dolorem eum.

Sixth service

Click here and start typing. Eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor.